Music is Worship
Music Ministry at Overbrook
Our music ministry is led by trained musicians and dedicated volunteers who love to make a joyful noise. Whether you are formally trained or simply want to meet fellow music lovers, we have a place for you!
Music Programs for Adults
Contemporary Worship Band
The Contemporary Worship Band brings together select singers and musicians who meet at 8:15 am on Sunday mornings to rehearse that day’s music. They lead the Contemporary Worship service every Sunday.
Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir leads the congregation in singing hymns and singing anthems during the Traditional Worship service almost every Sunday from Labor Day to Memorial Day. The choir rehearses on Thursdays at 7:30 pm.
Overbrook Belles
Adult women handbell ringers are invited to join the Overbrook Belles. They meet on Mondays at 6:00 pm to practice. The Belles play the prelude and postlude for the Traditional Worship service several times a year.
Chancel Chimes
Both men and women musicians ring with the Chancel Chimes. They meet on Sundays after worship to practice and bring their music to the Traditional Worship service several times a year.
Music for Children and Youth
While we currently do not offer a formal children’s choir, music is a part of most of our children’s gatherings. From singing during our Sunday morning education time to learning chimes during our children’s fellowship gatherings, music helps broaden our understanding of God’s gifts.
To learn more about our music programs, please send us a note.
Music is a powerful expression of our love for God and each other. Join us to worship God and enjoy fellowship through music. For more information, click one of the buttons below.