
Connecting in Faith and Love

Fellowship at Overbrook isn’t just a word – it’s an essential part of our mission and purpose. We come together in unity, sharing our faith, and supporting one another spiritually. And we have fun too!

Join Us in Fellowship

Click this button for information about upcoming fellowship events and other opportunities to connect!

Potluck Brunches

We believe the best way to share our faith, family, and love is through a potluck brunch in between Sunday services.


Fellowship Dinners and Festivals

The Overbrook family gathers for holidays and special occasions to share food and fellowship. Some of our most popular dinners are:

  • Shrove Tuesday (Fat Tuesday) Pancake Supper
  • 4th of July Yankee Doodle Picnic
  • Christmas Carol Buffet


Community Events

We invite our neighbors and friends to share fellowship at community events including:

  • Fall Neighborhood Block Party
  • Halloween Trunk or Treat
  • Ice Cream Block party

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Hollywood Jesus Movie Night

Adults gather to watch a movie and discuss the theological insights we discover.

Hollywood Jesus Clapboard

Overbrook Quilters

The Overbrook Quilters create quilts for those who receive a new Habitat for Humanity home in the Columbus area.

Quilters 4 May

Brown Bag Book Group

The Brown Bag Book Club gathers to discuss a little literature and enjoy a lot of fellowship.


Want to Know More?

Check our event calendar for more information about fellowship at Overbrook events and more!


Youth Fellowship

Our middle and high school fellowship group meets during the school year on Sunday nights at 6:00 pm for a wide range of fun activities, including lively games, debates, and local service projects. 

Click over to our Youth Ministry page to discover the excitement!


Children’s Fellowship

Kids need fellowship too! Our children gather one Sunday afternoon a month during the school year for playful pastimes, mission projects, music, and community building. Past gatherings have included: an End of Summer Celebration, Art Extravaganza, Christmas Party, and many other themed kid-friendly events. 

Visit our Children’s Ministry page to learn more about our adventures. 


This is your church, whether you seek spiritual guidance, social connections, or simply a welcoming community to share your life. For more information about Overbrook, click one of the buttons below.