Stephen Ministry

God Does Not Intend For You to Struggle Alone

Everyone goes through difficult times. Having someone to share God’s love with you can help you get through the confusion, stress, or loneliness you may be experiencing.


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One-to-one Faith-Centered Care

For 25 years, our Stephen Ministers provide emotional support for people who are facing difficult life issues like job loss, divorce, grief, serious illness, or any other of life’s transitions and challenges.

Stephen Ministers are Trained Volunteers

Our ministers have a compassionate heart for those who are hurting, and they’re trained in caring ministry skills.

Confidential Support

You will meet with your Stephen Minister confidentially for about one hour each week to pray together and receive emotional and spiritual support.

Guidance for Those Who Grieve

The Stephen Ministry offers a series of booklets on grieving for families mourning the loss of a member throughout the first year after the memorial service.

If you would like to receive care from a Stephen Minister, please talk to one of the pastors or send us a note.



Learn More About the Blessings of Stephen Ministry

Rev. Kenneth Haugk

Deborah Potter's interview with the pastor and clinical psychologist who founded Stephen Ministries in 1975.

Stephen Ministry: The Many Needs for Care

This short video illustrates the many needs present in congregations and communities for which Stephen Ministers are equipped to provide care.

Stephen Ministry Care Receivers Share Their Stories

Individuals who have received care from a Stephen Minister share their experiences of how it made a difference during difficult times in their lives.

Becoming a Stephen Minister

The Ability to Listen is a Powerful Gift

If you love to listen and connect with others, you can become a Stephen Minister. We provide training to enhance your abilities. You’ll learn how to actively listen, empathize, and pray with people who are hurting. If you have an interest in developing these skills and putting them to use, consider training as a Stephen Minister! About once each year, we offer training to become a Stephen Minister. Please use the contact page to reach out.


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