Adult Ministry

Challenge Yourself to Grow in Faith

Almost everything we do has a thread of education running through it. We believe we all have room to learn and grow in the hope of honoring God. Here are specific opportunities available for adults at Overbrook, regardless of membership.

Adult Education

Adult Forums

We occasionally hold educational events between services on Sunday mornings. Past topics have included information about local mission partners, Caregiving 101, Wills and Trusts, Youth Mission Trip Reports, and issues on the intersection of faith and life.

Friday Morning Bible Study

This group of 10 or so adults meets over Zoom to dig into Scripture and to better understand how God speaks to us today.

Hollywood Jesus Movie Night

Adults at Overbrook gather to watch a movie and discuss the theological insights we discovered while we watched.

Mission Sundays

The First Sunday of the month from October through May, we offer several mission-oriented projects completed between worship services. Opportunities often include: Packing Open Shelter lunches, sorting Hygiene Connection donations, assembly of care kits, and more.

Membership Class

Membership classes are scheduled throughout the year to share information about the church and how we take part in God’s ministry. If you’d like to join our church family, please see one of the pastors on Sunday or call the office during business hours.

Seasonal Bible Studies

Throughout the year, we offer themed Bible Studies (during Lent, for example) for adults at Overbrook to discover how Scripture connects to our everyday life. See our events calendar for more details.

Events Calendar

In addition to our busy educational and fellowship schedule, Overbrook is a spiritual and physical center for the community. Our event calendar also includes community events and service projects, open to all.

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We encourage adults at Overbrook to always strive to learn and grow. For more information about Overbrook, click one of the buttons below.